Christine B. Arinze-Samuel Ed.D aka Sistah Olufemi

Christine B. Arinze-Samuel Ed.D
aka Sistah Olufemi

Christine B. Arinze-Samuel Ed.D 
aka Sistah Olufemi
(404) 735-3775

Christine, aka Sistah Olufemi, considers herself a homegrown storyteller;  growing up in rural Georgia in an extended family where elders  always told stories.  As an Educator, she infused storytelling into her classroom during her tenure of 30 years having taught all grade levels.  Christine has performed live on stage at the Southwest Arts Center & the Atlanta Historical Society.  She has done extra work in movies – Boycott and Stomp the Yard.  Her talents and skills have allowed her to perform at Family Reunions, schools, libraries, Silhouettes (Kappa Wives) private homes and corporate offices. She is best known for her family performance Secrets of The Quilts on the Underground Railroad as the Great Conductor Harriet Tubman.


  • Co-Founder,Metropolitan Atlanta Kwanzaa Association (MACA)
  • Freedom Ministry, Hillside Truth Center
  • National Association of Black Storytellers (NABS)
  • Southern Order of Storytellers (SOS)
  • Kuumba Storytellers of Georgia, Inc.

Performance Summary

Christine performs with the name Sistah Olufemi and considers herself a Georgia homegrown storyteller. She grew up in rural Georgia in an extended family where elders always told stories.  As a Georgia educator she infused storytelling in her classroom during her teaching tenure of 30 years. 

Christine’s performance history includes conventional theatre, educational theatre, film, and voice narration production. Her talents and skills have allowed her to perform at family reunions, schools, libraries, corporate events, and private events.  She is best known for her innovative one-woman performance, “Secrets of The Quilts” on the Underground Railroad as the great conductor Harriet Tubman; this performance infuses storytelling and showcase of Christine’s 40 years of quilting.

Beyond performance art, Christine has a remarkable engagement with wellness, community and education services: she is a certified reflexologist; Christine is an ordained New Thought minister and contributes service to the Hillside Truth Center Freedom Ministry to support hope and restoration for prisoners.

Also known as Rev. Dr. Christine an Ordained New Thought Minister, she believes the Universe (God) guides her in all endeavors and is Evenly Present Everywhere in her life. She holds fast to her Mission of enhancing whatever space she occupies and whomever life she encounters.  

Performances & Venues

Other Achievements